Sanitizers are a category of anti-microbe materials that are applied on the surface of live tissues of the body and skin. This product helps eliminate or prevent the growth of bacteria, viruses, fungus, and a variety of bacteria types. Using sanitizers is crucial to stay healthy and it can help prevent the emergence of disease, especially contagious disease.
- Great influence on a variety of viruses, bacteria, and fungus
- High elimination rat
- Suitable cleaning properties
- Durable in both watery and dense forms
- No skin-related problems have occurred.
- Constant influence on the surface of the skin. Using this product will create an ant-microbe layer.
- Eco-friendly
In order to prevent the risk of suffering from the Corona virus, the research team of our company has manufactured sanitizers that are highly capable of eliminating the virus with a high elimination rate. Water and plant-based materials were utilized in these products that are comparable with similar products in the market. Alcohol was not used for manufacturing these sanitizers and the product possess the following properties:
- High elimination rat
- Powerful sanitizer
- Durable in both watery and dense forms
- Using the product will not cause skin problems such as dry skin or damage the skin
- Even after evaporation, the product will preserve its effectiveness on the surface where it is applied
- Highly secure and non-toxic
- Using the product will not cause breathing and lung problems
- Has skin softening and moisturizing properties
- Eco-friendly
It should be noted that the prepared solution has been analyzed according to the food and drug standards and it can immediately affect the virus and bacteria in 30 seconds just like alcohol.